
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Home Sweet Home

My husband's job takes him out of town quite frequently. In fact, when he is assigned to a project, he will often be gone Sunday night through Friday evening most weeks of the year for however long the job lasts. It's not ideal, and was really tough in the beginning! But we have learned to make it work for our family over the years.
I am not exaggerating when I say the expression "absence makes the heart grow fonder" really rings true for us all. We have learned to appreciate the time we have together so much more and try not to take it for granted.
Plus, I have to admit there are perks, too. Like the summer the kids and I were able to live with him down in Miami while his company was working on the Miami Dolphin football stadium.
Or back in 2011 when he was working up in Burlington, Canada outside of Toronto. The kids and I took a memorable road trip up there to be with him for a few days.

And funny enough, the other day my daughter was saying how she remembered playing on the rocks by the lake and having ice cream while we were there even though she was only four. I told her I had a photo of it somewhere and here it is! I am so going to frame this for her.

But overall it's not always easy doing the solo parent thing here while my husband is gone. Plus, we miss him! 
His latest project has had him up in Iowa the past two years in a town that is four hours away from home. It's a small town with not much to do, and we did the best we could to find fun whenever we went up to visit him and save him a drive home.

I am happy to say though that job has come to a close for him and he officially moved back home again last Friday! We have no idea how long it will be till his next assignment takes him out of town again or where it will be. We could have days, weeks or months! I think it's looking pretty good that he will be here for a while though, and we plan on making the most of it!

Already he has been a huge help with the morning school commute for me. And I can't tell you how happy it made us to have him stay on Sunday night, instead of rushing off to get back on the road. He was also able to go to an ice skating function for my daughter's school with us on an actual school night which is huge. He has said a million times how hard it is to be away and miss so many family activities. Hopefully he will get to enjoy a few more for at least the rest of the school year.

We are happy you are home, Babe!