Monday, November 28, 2011

Well, this little boy...

finally knows the secret about Santa.

He was only a few months old in this photo. Six and a half months actually and now he is nine years old. :) I can't say it comes as any great surprise. And I am pretty sure he has suspected for at least a year or two, but didn't want to admit it. I will say, talking with him about it was a little sad and hard for me. But I had found this, The truth about Santa, on Pinterest and it gave me a little more to add to what I wanted to say to him.

So as of now, he is pretty excited about being on "team Santa" for his little sister Erin and all the friends and cousins who still don't know the secret. And he has promised not to spill the beans for them!
Hopefully it won't be to hard for him to keep the secret :)


  1. Adorable photo! Isn't it so sad to have to tell them the truth. I remember someone telling my daughter at the age of five. It sucked! I had to convince her in other ways that Saint Nick was real.

  2. Oh how I dread that day. Hopefully I have two more years, more would be great.

  3. I didn't see the date on the photo, so I thought you were first referring to a baby knowing the truth. I wasn't worried for you because, well, at that age he's sure to forget. Then, a milisecond later, I read the rest of the sentence. I'm glad that he's on board with believing in santa for those in his life that still do, and thank you so much for sharing that link. My own little guy is the age of the baby in the photo (plus a few months) and I'll have to remember the letter when it's my turn to come clean. (Ann/travelturtle)

  4. This makes me so sad :(, mostly for myself lol. I dont ever remember believing in Santa so it has been so much fun with my boys.

  5. Oh man, my oldest (also 9) is so very close I think and asking lots and lots of questions. Good for him that he's on "your side" now and keeping it hush hush for the little sister!

  6. Ah yes, I remember being the oldest and knowing about Santa before my younger siblings. Amazingly, I kept the secret from them until they figured it out themselves!

  7. Sorry that you had to have that chat. My oldest is 12, and we have always said that it is a matter of faith. If you don't believe in Santa...then he can't bring toys to you. Someday though, I will have to have the chat...although our parents never did. At some point we just realized it was the Christmas spirit, not the gift that was important. Love the photo!- Amanda

  8. Gah, this makes me sad. We're pretty sure Abie knows too, she's just not coming right out and saying it. (she's nine too) She's dropping all these hints and giving all these looks. I think part of her still wants to believe though :) Honestly, part of ME still wants to believe :)

  9. Ah, I guess that chat must come eventually. Though, I don't think my parents ever came out and said anything to us specifically. My brother and I figured it out one Easter morning when we realized some of the candy had been purchased at JCP where my Dad happened to work. When we realized the Easter bunny didn't stop at Penny's we pretty much decided that the jig was up with Santa too. I love that letter - we all need to carry on the work of Santa. So well written! Thanks for sharing that bit. I pinned it too! :)

  10. My daughters say they still believe in Santa. But at 22, 20 and 16 I think Hubby telling them the presents stop when they stop believing, they're not dumb, lol.
