
Friday, June 15, 2012

True Friends

So I have actually been kind of excited to share this layout.
I found the quote on Pinterest one day and it completely rang true to me.
And then when the topic of the June kit from Scrapbooking From the Inside Out was Truth, I knew that I wanted to use that quote.
In my lifetime, I have been really lucky in the friend department. I have been lucky to find several women that I really connect with. Three of those women are in this layout.
The Journaling:
This quote reminded me of a night about a year ago when I received a not so nice email from someone I had once considered a friend.
Thankfully I was in the car with three of my best friends coming home from a fun night of celebrating my birthday.
I had pulled out my phone to check the time and saw that I had a new email. After reading it, I showed the message to my friends. They immediately reassured me that it wasn't worth thinking about or reading. They knew this former friend was wrong in so many ways.
But the truth is, I know I am not perfect. I am human after all. And I know there are moments in my life when I  could have handled situations better.
But what I have also discovered through these women, my friends, is the meaning of true friendship. A true friend will accept you flaws and all. A true friend won't try to bully, manipulate or control you. A true friend will stick by you through the good as well as the bad.
These women are true friends! They are my village and I am a part of theirs. And they encourage me to be the best friend I can be.
We are raising our children together. Supporting each other in any way we possibly can. And I am and will always be so, so grateful for the gift of their friendship!

I think the journaling really expresses how I view friendship now. And along with these women I am grateful for the other wonderful women in my life. And we are alike in ways, but so different in many others. What my friends have also taught me is that it is ok to be different. It is ok to have a different opinion. And in that way we balance each other out! Life really is better with friends :)


  1. *tears* this is beautiful, my friend. I can relate and you are right... you friends will love you in your weakness, though them and in most cases, because of them, for they make you who you are becoming. thank you for sharing this, Mary Jo.

  2. Beautiful page, beautiful journaling! You are blessed to have such a great group of friends!

  3. Pretty page! Like your border work!

  4. This is so beautiful, Mary Jo, not only in design, but your journaling too. True friendship is hard to find (and sometimes keep). These women are a blessing in your life and it's wonderful that you know that. :)

  5. SO true! What a sweet layout and how blessed you are to have those friends so close! I'm sure htey loved this post!!!

  6. love the layout- hexagons are perfect

  7. Great quote and LO. It is always good to have friends that wonderful.

  8. I love the quote and layout. The journaling is so thoughtful as well, I hope I can find such wonderful friends one day!

  9. So the story behind this as well!

  10. beyond beautiful! So touching!

  11. That is so honest and truly lovely. I think one of the best things about being a woman is the friendships we make, finding our "tribe"
    I'm happy for you that you have such good girlfriends!

  12. How could anybody ever be unkind to you!!! I'm just glad you were with your true friends at the time!! Great layout and quote! I LOVE them!!

  13. What a perfect layout, especially the journaling! Women can be so mean to each other and it is such a treasure when you find a good one that is a true friend! You are very lucky to have them in your life :)

  14. This is such a touching and true layout.
    The journaling is so special.
    To have friends like this is something to cherish :)

  15. Beautiful LO!!
    Love the jouranling. I agree with what you had shared about true friends!!
    So glad you have a special group of friends that you can trust and support you!!

  16. I love this! The colors, the design, the heartfelt journaling, just everything about it!

  17. Beautiful layout, and really beautiful journaling, so true!!
