
Monday, June 11, 2012

The World Looks Different from a Bicycle :)

I have never been much of a bike rider.
It's a confidence thing.
But that is slowly changing :)
Mike, Evan and Erin all have bikes.
And they have taken the occasional ride together, without me because I didn't have a bike.
But that changed on Mother's Day...
Let me present to you my new bike.
And it's this really cool, retro mint green color.
I love it!
I have ridden it a few times myself to gain some confidence, but we have also gone on one Sunday morning family ride.

Last Friday, while Erin was at the pool with a friend, Evan and I took an hour long bike ride together in the park. And let me tell you, it was fun! He is so much faster than me, but I like that he will loop around so I can catch up :)
And I like just following him and letting him lead.
Here we are after the ride. I took this photo with my camera phone. Although for future reference, I need to remember to take my sunglasses off before taking a self portrait. The reflection of my arms in the glasses looks a little weird to me :) But still we had fun :) And we plan on going again this week while Erin is at her little Zoo camp with a friend.

I have to say, it's such a great feeling to go flying along on my bike.
But some of the hills are tough and then I feel as if I am working hard.
I am also learning a lot more about changing gears!
And because for me, everything leads back to scrapbooking inspiration...
 I found this on Pinterest. It was pinned by someone from this site here. I think it is a good quote to go along with my new bicycle :)

Do you have a bike? Are you a bike rider? :)


  1. I love this post! It has been a dream for me to have bikes for all of us {my family} and ride together.... maybe some day <3 you are beautiful and your photo is so sweet {I did not even notice the arms until you pointed them out}, those moments are priceless and you will be thankful you have captured it!

  2. ps~ I once biked Cape Cod, MA... 255 miles in 5 days and it was one of my most treasured experiences...

  3. Before kids my hubby & I used to bike every weekend. Sadly I have not been on my bike in 3 years! Have fun!

  4. I love your new bike! I have a bike too, its pink (which is the best part!) In the summer I ride a lot, its something fun for me to do while AJ is at work, but I haven't taken it out since October, because Chicago got cold!

    I love your pin too! As soon as I can figure out if I can access pinterest from work, I'm going to re-pin it!

  5. Cool bike! My husband and daughter both have bikes and ride together. Me? Let's just say I crashed into a fence when I first met DH, lost my confidence, and haven't been on a bike since. :(

    1. Lisa - I have to admit, the first few times I was totally using my brakes too much. I kept squeezing that thing terrified :)

  6. Ahhhhhhhhh!Swoon! Love, love, love to ride. I'm envisioning a cool basket on front and some fenders on the rear tire (prevents water up the middle of your back from road splashes) and wow, that is one awesome bike. Fantastic gift!!!

  7. So cool you got a bike!

    Thanks for the comment about kid travel on my blog. Where did your kids stay when you and Mike went to Ireland? How long were you gone for?

    1. Sheri - we were so lucky to have my mother-in-law watch the kids at our house for a few days and then my parents took them for a few days. We were gone seven days total. I was nervous about leaving the kids so long and being so far away, but everything was fine! Just had all the bases covered before we went in case of emergencies :)
      And I have never regretted going!

  8. YES! I love riding! And I love my bike so much that it sits in my bedroom...for fear of getting scratched up and dusty-rusty from the garage! ROFL! I do a spinning class at the fitness center a few times a week but really need to get my bike fixed up (tires/brakes adjusted) and go outdoors now that my son can ride well also.

  9. Wow go you! And I LOVE the retro look of your amazing new bike :) x

  10. I used to love riding my bike once I rediscovered it as an adult. However, I got clobbered by a wanna-be Lance Armstrong jerk who tried to just buzz me and miscalculated. Now I say: bike riding is all just fun and games until someone loses a gall bladder.

  11. How cool! Love that you are riding :) I rode my bike all the time as a kid, but not at all as an adult...

  12. Awesome! How cool that you are being with your family, having fun, and exercising all at the same time! And the mint green - saweeeet! I want to do this when my kids get a little bigger (my silly son is hesitating on learning to rid without training wheels, and I don't have a bike either!)

  13. Congrats on the new bike!! I LOVE that picture of you two after your ride!! :)

  14. Your bike is great! How fun.

    I don't have a bike, but my sister has been encouraging me to get one or maybe roller blades. I haven't decided which. LOL. :)

  15. I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I never learned how to ride.

    I'm learning to love cell phone pics because they're imperfect but they get the job done. They grab the 'in the moment' moment.

  16. Oh, that should be fun for the whole family this summer. Great family time! :) I rode a bike all through my childhood years but have never had a bike as an adult. I did take my dad's bike out for a spin when I was staying with them recently. 1. I love the freedom you feel being outside with the wind in your hair. 2. My behind just can't take it anymore. I was soooo, soooo sore after being on that bike. If it was more comfortable, maybe...... :)

  17. Your bike ride sounds like a lot of fun!!
    That is one thing we plan on doing as a family this year too since she can ride with no training wheels now. We tried to go when she had training wheel but she wasnt that confident in riding that long with the training wheels?
    Love the picture of you and Erin!
