
Monday, January 14, 2013

Goals or Resolutions? And a Layout :)

As each new year rolls around, I find myself thinking about resolutions.
It seems so many people talk about making resolutions which too often are forgotten after a month or so.
I do like to set little goals for myself. Things I want to work on to improve my health, character, skills etc...And it got me thinking. What is the difference between a goal and a resolution? Is there a difference?

While surfing the internet trying to find more information on the topic, I came across this blog
and found a few answers.
According to the author, "one is a hope, and one's a plan." The goal is your hope, and the resolution is your plan which helps you achieve your goal. Interesting.
So to reach one, you basically need the other if I am understanding it correctly.
And I love at the end of the article when the author states, "This year, resolve to actually have plans, and not simply hopes."

I made this layout when I was 37. Four years ago.
The journaling:
So sad to to me that when asked by a friend, I could not name one thing about my physical appearance I liked. Top on the list is my weight right now. But I am taking control and doing something about it. I am learning to love myself...right here, right now at 37.

And I did. I set goals for myself and worked hard to try and lose the baby weight I gained with my pregnancy. But I also tried to find the positives in my appearance as well. And then it hit me. It wasn't so much about how I looked. But how I *felt* about myself. And I felt the best about myself when I was making healthy choices!

So fast forward to 2013. Age 41. Something has clicked. The need to be healthy for my children at all costs. My dad had a quadruple bypass in his early 40's. And I know I am healthy enough not to be at risk. He was over weight at the time, smoking, generally not healthy at all. But it was a scary time. A time when I thought I was going to lose my dad. And I don't want my children to have to face that. I mean I was in my late teens when my dad was my age. My parents started having kids young :)
But my kids are only 5 and 10! I want to be around a long time for them!

In 2013, I do have a goal. To be healthy. To make as many healthy choices as possible, but also not beat myself up if I make the occasional "oops".:)

For me, I think the way to do this is a different mini resolution each month in 2013.
For January, I have been eliminating fast food. Frankly, there isn't a lot of fast food I like. But every little bit helps. And over the holidays between errands, I found myself just grabbing a carry out if I needed lunch away from home. But I know how fast food makes me *feel* after eating it. Gross and bloated. Not so healthy in fact. :) I did have fast food once this month. McDonald's on an early dismissal day for school, when we met friends there and had lunch. Truthfully, my salad was so disgusting and just reinforced my pledge to stay away from fast food this month.

In February, I will have a different resolution as I walk this path to healthy living. I know it is about small changes and not doing too much at once. After all, I switched from white breads to whole grain several years ago and it had pretty much stuck. I will have the occasional white bread, but my first choice is whole grain. :)

Do you have any plans, hopes or dreams for 2013?
Will you scrap about them?
I kind of see a mini album for my 2013 goal and resolutions. :)


  1. Hi Mary Jo, what a lovely and inspirational post! I do like the differences you define at the beginning, I will think about that. I won't bore you with detail but my goal is a single word - Perseverance - but I guess I need to go away and come up with a plan now......... Hugs, Anne x

  2. I like to focus on goals vs. resolutions too. One of mine for 2012 (and will continue into 2013) is to remove more refined foods and sugar from our diet. We've done well with switching to whole grain and whole wheat products. Now it's on to lessen the sugar...

  3. what a great post! good luck in 2013

  4. What a fun design, I love it! I'm also a goal person- thanks for sharing!!


  5. What a great blog post and great food for thought. I don't usually set resolutions for myself but I can see the value of it now, looking at it as a plan.
    Good luck with all your goals. I hope it's a great year for you.

  6. Great insight into why being healthy is important...for your family! My goal is to also be more fit, and my resolution to achieving this is a combination of better eating and just as important, working out. I am at the fitness center (for Kevin's swim practice) for two hours a day 6 days a week. No excuse for me. While he swims, I should be working out!

  7. You know, that is just a lovely layout. The subject makes me sad because you look beautiful to me. I love the patterns you've used and the title.

  8. I am a goal person myself... Little goals to help accomplish a big goal. hehe.. Love the layout.. so digging all those squares... Thanks for sharing. hugs

  9. Loved reading your story! I truly hope you keep up with it, it might really help that you'll have another goal each month.

  10. Great post! I love your one step at a time, change it up each month idea. I know exactly what you mean - it's not how you look, it's how you feel. How you feel and how you carry yourself make all the difference - does not matter one bit what anyone else thinks. Good luck with your health hope and plans! :)

  11. A mini book for your goals and resolutions is such an awesome idea!! Love that! I also love that you posted this layout from a few years ago and then talked about where you are today, you're a cool chick Mary Jo ;)

  12. Love the layout and the story behind it is just awesome. Congratualtions on sticking with your healthy habits!

  13. Wonderful post. Being healthy form me means my artificial hips last longer. So I am constantly trying to keep my weight down...its hard.

  14. Loved reading your story, Good luck to you!

  15. Beautiful layout. I love the squares. One of my favourite styles.

  16. Great frame with the squares. I haven't even had a minute to make any goals yet this year although every year I try and eat healthy and exercise more but it never seems to happen :)

  17. such a great layout, and so neat you could look back on it.
    I too say every year I have to get healthy.
    This year I am taking the steps to succeed.

  18. I love your approach to getting healthy this year. Breaking it down into manageable monthly goals is a great idea! A mini album seems like such a fun way to document this journey :)

    And its so fabulous that you posted a layout from the past that you looked back and reflected on. This is exactly what scrapbooking is about! Love it!

  19. Such a lovely post!!!

  20. Beautiful layout and beautiful you!

    So interesting about the differences. Breaking it down like that is awesome and more doable!! We can make these changes!

  21. Haealthy is a great word. it encompasses so much!
    There more wordsare so many paths you can take...I will be right there alongside you...I chose unlock...I need to unlock healthy and excercise and many more words. I have gained just before and just after the surgery. Finally back at aquafit and walking...but now it is icy with more and more aquafit! teehee

    I think your layweightout is great...Wish I was that size!!! But I is a journey to be happy with ourselves and honour our own self!
    Good luck on your journey...

  22. What an amazing POST!!! I loveeeeeee this so much!! So touching and heartfelt!! I loveeeeeeee your lo!! LOVING that grid design and the colors!!!
