
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Right Now...

I am getting ready to start a huge project I have been wanting to do for over five years!
I am finally going to work on our Florida trip from back in 2007 when I was pregnant with Erin!
The photos have been ready to go for a few years along with the album and a little bag of memorabilia. Now I just need to pull it all together.
I am using a WRMK 8 1/2 x 11 black leather ring binder, and will be following a basic formula throughout that will hopefully speed up the process. It was inspired by a similar album Ali Edwards that I saw in her Life Artist book a few years ago. I think it is going to be fun to finally have it done and on the shelf!

And now for something else fun! Many years ago, I became friends with a group of women through
this woman, mainly because of scrapbooking. We had a closed group we called "Suziebeezieland" which was drama free and full of great support. As the years have passed, the closed portion no longer exists, but many of the friendships still do. We still hang out through blogs and Facebook.
Recently, one of my friends decided to put together a "Favorite Things" mail party. She divided us into groups of five, and we are supposed to send happy mail containing some of our favorite things to the other four members in the group. In return, I will also receive four different packages as well. Kind of a much, much smaller version of Oprah's favorite things episode, but by mail.

I am not going to say what is going to be in my favorite things package yet in case one of my friends is reading. But what I would like to do is put together an extra package to mail off as a giveaway for one of my blog friends.
I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you through blogging, and would like to include one of you. I will be picking up my goodies on Friday and mailing this weekend, so there is a quick turnaround here. You need to comment by Thursday night by 6pm, and I will announce the winner on Friday morning :)

And you never know. There just may be some of those coconut m&m's inside from my last post ;)


  1. That is such a lovely idea! I love the fact that I have friends all over the world (whom I've never met in person) because of my love of crafting.
    I feel like I know them, I learn from them, and i'm delighted to include you in that Mary Jo!

  2. You look so prepared for this album project, Mary Jo! I know you are going to rock it and it will feel so good to get it done. :) I love your idea of the favorite things mailings. I've tried just about every other flavor of M&M, but not the coconut. If they taste anything like a Mars bar, I'm in. LOL! Have a great day and thank you for always leaving some love on my 2Peas posts.

  3. oh i can't wait to see your progress on your vacation album!! sounds like it is going to be so fun!!

    what fun idea with your group! love that idea!

  4. The first album that I ever completed was a FL family vacation. It was a gift for my mom, but we actually both treasure it.....can't wait to see how it turns out! And the ide of sharing with your crafty blog friends is such a good one! Have a wonderful day!

  5. I scrap with a bunch of ladies 2 to 3 times a year and LOVE it. We have so much fun and really enjoy each others work and different styles. When I pack for these crops I usually bring items I think they'd like (punches, washi, embellies) and we all share and use them. Your scrappy friends mail party sounds like a lot of fun too...enjoy it. BTW I always liked seeing what was on your desk on Wednesdays.

  6. I can't wait to see how your album turns out! I love that moment right before you start a big project, there is so much fun and planning and anticipation!

    Your group of friends sounds so wonderful! The favorite things trade is such a fabulous idea! And you are too sweet to make up an extra package for one of your blog followers :)

  7. You definately have yourself organized. I can see the little stacks of photos on your desk that I am presuming are for each layout. I can't wait to see some of your finished pages.

  8. Ohhhhhhh I can't wait to see this album!! I know it will be amazing!! And your group of friends sounds wonderful!!!!

  9. Great idea, live getting happy mail :)

  10. This is going to feel AMAZING to finish this album!!! Can't wait to see pictures of it! Love the idea of a group like that and your favorite things exchange :)

  11. Can't wait to see your album layouts! :) And what a fantastic idea for a Favorite Things! I'm going to have to start that tradition with my girlfriends!

  12. I hope you get that album done, that will be lovely to have on display! I have so many photos from old holidays to scrapbook, I don't know if I'll ever get round to them all.

    The happy mail giveaway sounds great too! I'd love the chance to try coconut M&Ms! x

  13. Really looking forward to seeing your finished LOs, you look like you are ready to start any minute now...... I too have met so many lovely people in the year that I have been blogging, crafters are just the kindest and most generous of people and the idea of your exchange is a lovely one. It would be worth winning your extra package for the M&M alone! Hugs, Anne x

  14. Looks like you are ready to go. I finished a mini album of our cruise (just recently) but the cruise was from 2006. I can relate.

  15. Hi Mary Jo
    like you i have 'met' some very lovely people since I have been blogging, it is nice to know there are so many caring people in ther world still. You sound very organised with the scrapping ... even if it has taken you 5 years. But in a positive note you will remember the best bits because they stay with you longer
    janet #30

  16. Congrats on starting your new project :)
    That sounds like a nice group..drama free is the best.
    Oh coconut M&M's I'm in, teehee.

  17. Oh your new project sounds great!!! Can't wait to see how that comes together! mmmmmm- coconut :)

  18. Sounds like a fun project! Can't wait to see what you create. Once upon a time I was involved in a similar "private" group forum and we did fun stuff like that, swaps and white elephant exchanges online. Such fun we can get into with our online friends. I love my in-person friends too but online friends are just as special! :)

  19. looking forward to seeing the wonderful layouts. I always enjoy doing a vacation album and reliving memories as I go.

  20. Wow it must be a good one! Looking forward to seeing it! :D

  21. Funny, I'm working on a vacation album at the moment as well. :)

    I'm excited to see your 8.5x11" pages. That's my favorite size, even though I don't use it very often.

  22. Cant wait to see how the album turns out! Sounds like a great group of friends...and love meeting you and so many other...too sweet!!

  23. Well, I missed your deadline, but that's okay. The groups sounds like great fun! Good luck with your album project, looking forward to seeing your progress.

  24. I know I missed the deadline but that's OK...cuz I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to seeing this book. I like to do our big vacations in their own book too.
    WRMK have such great books...looking forward to these vacation posts.

  25. Looks like you are going to be digging in big time! Can't wait to see your finished album!

  26. just so you know MJ, your florida project would be a wonderful choice for the weekend retreat in march! and, we will have about any tool available at our disposal from the different people attending, so you will have a lot of fun trying out new things!

  27. Isn't the scrapping online world wonderful? I can't get over the friendships I have formed over the years and how close some of still are.

    What a wonderful "hobby" to be a part of!!
