
Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcoming February with Open Arms

I have to admit that the month of January is typically a hard one for me. It always has been.
And I don't think it is just the holiday let down. It's winter for one and usually cold and dark.
My doctor mentioned seasonal disorder, and could be.
I do try to look on the bright side and not complain, and try to be positive about my blessings.
But I just can't always be cheery and peppy.

And as much as I try not to wish away the days, weeks, months and years, a part of me is glad February is here. I know winter has a ways to go, but I always feel just a bit lighter.

I haven't touched the messy side of my office yet...still. And I haven't done much scrapbooking.
But I finished painting the kitchen, doing many, many tasks involving the children and school, plus created birthday party invitations for my mother-in-law's upcoming 70th birthday party. So I am getting things done. Just not projects or pages.

I do want to share a few photos though that make me happy on this first day of February...
My profile pic right now on Facebook that I found on Pinterest. Lego U2. How perfect is that :)
This sweet photo of Erin and Mike right after he put her wrist corsage on for the Father and Daughter dance at her school.
I made this little 4x6 mini collage in Picasa of photos from that night before they left and I am going to scrapbook them within the next week! So look for that layout soon :)
My ten year old son's haunted mansion drawing. He continually blows me away with his artistic skills. I wish I had half the talent he does at drawing!

As for scrapbooking, I will definitely be back to it this week and have projects to share here on the blog next week. In the meantime, I do have a scrapbook related post up on the Craft Your Nest blog from Wednesday with a little review of the daily video series over at Two Peas in a Bucket. You can see it HERE! :)
And while you are there, make sure to check out some of the older posts by Dawn, Cheryl, and our guest blogger this week, Kristin. Craft Your Nest was started by Dawn just to provide challenges and a little inspiration last year. And in the next few months, we are going to be looking for a few guest bloggers to share a post or two. If you are interested in being a guest blogger, definitely let me know in the comments!

Happy February!

*ETA* Becky - if you read this post today, make sure you check back on Tuesdays post. You were my winner! :)


  1. those legos are just adorable!!! and what adorable photos!!! can't wait to see you scrap them!

  2. Evan is so talented! Maybe being an architect is in his future. :) Love the sweet father-daughter dance photos too. I can't wait to see them on a layout. I hope February brings sunnier, happier days to you, Mary Jo. The winters here are a downer for me too. I need sun and warmth I tell ya!

  3. Loving your photos!!! His drawing is AMAZING!! WOW!! So many details!! And did I ever tell you that I was a Roadie for U2 wayyyyyyyyyyyy back on their Rattle and Hum tour??? Best days ever!!!

  4. Such sweet pictures of your hubby and precious girl! And that drawing - your boy has some MAD artistic ability. Hope you will be back to your old self in no time.....and I would love to check out Craft Your Nest - did I miss the link?

    1. Sorry, Julie. It's there, but looking at it hard to tell. I went back and capitalized the word here and put a smiley face by it :)

  5. I love the photos! Mike and Erin look like they are having so much fun!

    And that drawing your son did - WOW! He is so talented!!

    I hope you have a great weekend. I'm really glad February is here too. It is a more cheerful winter month, I like to think its because of Valentine's Day with all of the hearts and cheerful colors :) At least, in my apartment, that's what makes it more cheerful for me - all the pink!

  6. Oh, sorry that January has you down. We are the opposites in that because I love the renewal of January but then February majorly depresses me for all of the reasons you listed so I hate to see January end. LOL. It's all about perspective! I love the U2 lego dudes! Can't wait to see what you'll be scrapbooking next. Have a great weekend!

  7. Love the Legos, awesome! Your son is so talented :)

  8. January is dark and dreary here too. I think there a lamp you canbuy that is aupposed to help you feel chirpier!
    I couldn't think of the right word...I used to live where it was 45 below zero but the skies were brilliant blue all winter.
    Now I laive in the Lower Maniland of Vancouver area and is is dark and dreay and rainy a lot. So i do understand what you mean.
    Hope you feel chirpier every day.
    Soon you will see the snowdrops, then the songbirds and the robins and then it is uphill all the way to spring and sunshine.

    Your son is an amazing artist...I think he needs some private lessons to build on that talent...I see a great future for him!

    Such sweet pictures of your hubby and daughter...Will watch for the layout!

  9. oh no, just reread mypost...I didn't mean that he NEEDS lessons...more that he deserves them with a talent like that!

  10. Your son is definitely talented. Love the drawing

  11. Love those Legos!!

    I can't always be peppy either. Just me I think.

    I love those sweet photos of daddy and daughter!!

    Your son is amazing!!

  12. Love Evans drawing he is so talented!!!!
    Love the precious picture of Mike & Erin so special!!
    IKWYM about Jan. I struggle with that month to . Im always reminded Ellie another year older yes Im thankful that she healthy ect. She is growing up so fast and I just want the days to go slower to enjoy them more! LOL!

  13. I adore those pics, and that one of Erin and her daddy is just the sweetest ever. Your sweet boy is one talented artist, and thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. You seriously made my day!!

  14. It is in January that I totally understand the concept of hibernation and would love to practice it myself! Hang in there, spring is on the way. Looks like you have another creative talent in the family!

  15. Those legos are adorable!

    I know what you mean about January - that is why we ski as much as we do. It gets us out of the house and into the fresh air (and if we are lucky, blue skies).

  16. Awesome Daddy Daughter pictures!! These are real treasures. The legos are cute, too.

  17. I forgot to say how awesome Evan's haunted house picture is!! I saw it on FB too!! He's an artist!!

  18. OMGosh...your son is so talented! Cute photos too!

  19. Those photos of your daughter and husband are so so sweet.
    We have long winters they would get anyone down every once in a while :)
    Keep busy and creative..that may help :)
