
Monday, March 11, 2013

February Has Come and Gone so...

I am reviewing the "healthy living in 2013" goals I made for the month.
You can see my February goals and how January went on this post Here. :)

In January, I gave up fast food, and as of today still have not had any as we are heading towards the halfway point in March!  Just no desire to eat it.

For February, I was trying to exercise more regularly and get more sleep. The goal was five days a week for exercise and in bed by 11pm on school nights.
Definitely an improvement, but not perfect. I have had two or three nights where I was up until 12:30, but a huge change from being up that late several nights a week! And most nights in February I was in bed before 11 or 11:30. Even some by 10! :)

I was able to exercise in February 14 out of 28 days, so about 3-4 times a week. I will take it! With snow days and sick kids, it was a struggle to fit it in some days. And truthfully, I am learning that I need to make exercise a priority. I do better when I exercise first thing in the morning. I feel so much better on the days I exercise, and I think some days it just boils down to choice. How do I want to choose to spend my time. :)

My new goal for March is going to be a little difficult, although sleep wasn't a piece of cake for me either.
I am going to drink more water each day!
Seriously, I go through phases. And I was in a "drink soda" phase with Dr. Pepper being my drink of choice. So bad for me in so many ways because I just can't tolerate caffeine. I really can't at that level. But I am going to make water my main drink with the occasional juice. And I will start by once again not buying any soda to have in the house except for the few cans of ginger ale I like to have on hand and Mike's Coke. Thankfully, I do not like coke. But I love Dr. Pepper!

I briefly thought these Dr. Pepper jelly beans would be a fun solution, but they have caffeine in them. Can you believe it?! So no, they will not be my substitute.
And truthfully, except for the one bottle of Dr. Pepper I had at the crop on March 2nd, I have not had one single soda so far this month! I still crave it occasionally, but am able to just say NO!

I like the way I am building on the monthly goals. So in addition to my March goal, I am going to continue avoiding fast food, try to get in bed before midnight each night (preferably by 11pm) and exercise four days a week. If I hit five or six days, I will consider it a bonus! I think those are all manageable goals. And when this year is up, these blog posts are going to make a great mini album to track my journey I think. :)

And also just wanted to share that I was lucky enough on Sunday to meet another on-line scrapbook friend!
I know Shalini from our days back at a favorite on line store called Croppers Cottage before it closed. In fact, we were pregnant at the same time with my daughter and her youngest. Thanks to blogs and Facebook we have stayed in touch though.
They were in town this past weekend, and we managed to meet up at the Botanical Gardens for a much too brief amount of time. But I am so glad we did! It is so nice to actually meet in person. She is such a wonderful woman and I am forever being inspired by her blog.
I feel so lucky to live in this day and age that allows us to connect with people we many never have met. :)

Happy Monday!


  1. Well done on your goals Mary Jo! So delighted for you that you are sticking it out with them,and great idea taking them step by step like this!

  2. You are doing an amazing job with your goals, Mary Jo! Drinking water is a tough one for me at times too (although I don't drink soda). Do you ever add anything to the water, like lemon? It kind of gives it a little bit more oomph. LOL! There's also seltzer and those come in all kinds of flavors, plus you'd get the carbonation like soda. :)

    1. I have added lemon before, and like it. I forgot to get some at the grocery store though this week.

  3. Way to go on your goals! :) I made some goals myself, but with everything that's gone on in the last couple of months for me, they've went right out the window! Your post has given me inspiration to get back up, dust off, and get back to it!!! Thank you!!! :D

  4. Oh ... and several years ago, I decided to drink more water. I bought a 64oz container (recommended 8, 8oz glasses per day) and filled it with filtered water each day and took it to work. I would add ice to my glass for "extra" water, too. Before long, it would be gone before lunchtime! In a short time, I was drinking a gallon of water before lunch, and another 3/4 gallon the rest of the day. I felt SO much better, and looked forward to my sugar-free koolaid with dinner as a "treat!" :) You can do it!

    1. I did get a giant water bottle, and Evan asked me the other day why I am drinking from it all of the time (lol) So I guess it's working!

  5. Good for you and your goals!! That is AWESOME! And YAY for meeting an online friend!!!

  6. sounds like you are doing super with your goals! congrats

  7. Congratulations on doing so great with your healthy living goals....they are always hard, but really pay off in the end. And how exciting that you got to meet a friend IRL. Connecting with other women via social media is one of my favorite things about blogging and such a bonus when you can actually meet!

  8. Sounds like you are doing great! So much better than I am. I really like your one goal a month approach while still building and improving on previous month goals. Just keep going! :)

  9. Caffeine in the jelly beans!? Geesh! Good luck on your goals. I'm trying to develop healthier habits myself, and getting enough sleep is harder than finding time to exercise! I guess it takes time to adjust to new routines. How fun that you met IRL a scrapper friend!

    1. I know right?! Who would have thought. And to think that kids probably eat those without even thinking about it.

  10. This is a great way to build up,to going healthy, one step at a time.

  11. What a great way to go about goal setting. I've been working on things too. Maybe I'll try the monthly thing ~ bite off smaller chunks.

  12. Hi Mary Jo, I so admire you for sticking to and achieving goals! We do get Dr Peppers here in the UK but somehow it does not taste as good which is lucky for me, as I don't drink it here. Perhaps you could give yourself one or two treats a month which might make it easier? I really hope all your efforts make you feel much healthier.

    How lovely to meet up with your friend too.

    Hugs, Anne x

    1. Yep! My plan is not total denial. If I eat fast food once or twice, it's ok. Or if I miss a few days of exercise, it's ok. But the month I am working on the goal, I am trying not to have it (like soda) at all. And then maybe in April I will have one soda when we go out. The thing is, now that I haven't had fast food in over two months, I have no desire at all! Which is a good thing for me :)
      I am definitely feeling healthier. And was stopped by a mom on the playground the other day who asked me if I have lost weight! That isn't even my goal :)

  13. Yay!!!! I love that you're doing so great with your goals!! Good luck with the water! I'm sure there is a way to work more into your day. A new cup, pour a specific amount in the AM and sip all day, add frozen fruit instead of ice cubes... So cool you got to meet another friend!!

  14. Good for you and congrats on your goals. Unfortunately I fell off the wagon all of February and gained. (Sad Face)

  15. These sound like such sensible achievable goals.
    Congratulations on your successes so far this year! It is a lot to be proud of.

  16. Good for you!! I need to drink more water - that one is a hard one for me :) So neat that you finally met up with your online friend!

  17. I could do with drinking more water too - well done on your goals and what a nice treat to get to meet up with an online friend face to face :)

  18. I like your idea about making healthy choices one at a time, I went gluten free for January and continued that till mid-Feb and then on V-day broke down and had cupcakes. Now after a long road trip ;-) and gallons of soda drinking I can use a new resolution as well. May be its drinking more water for me as well.
    I was so wonderful meeting you, I agree technology is a wonderful thing... :-)

  19. So nice you got to meet in real life and had a great time!

    I LOVE your approach to being healthy. I'm hanging in there too...only tastes of sweet treats...but not eating cookies, chocolate, any sugary snack. I don't miss it either. Only now and then do I want something sweet...I grab fruit.

    WTG...keep it up. I got hooked on water years ago on one of my man many adventures into being healthy, and discovered I LOVE it icey cold. So I made it a habit that I LIKED and could stick with. I still drink it as my main drink and so does Emma. Find the way you like it, and it'll stick better.

  20. You are doing so great with your challenges!

    I prefer to workout in the morning too...I just have trouble waking up early enough before work to get it done. I am also learning that exercise needs to be a priority for me, its just so easy to write off!

    Good luck with drinking more water! I made myself do that a few years ago, and now I love it :)

  21. I hope you are proud of your healthy goals so far, you are awesome!!!
    Once I have cut back...way back on my pop, I have found myself drinking more water. Now with my cold, it is hot tea and honey...lots of hot tea, teehee.
    So cool that you got to meet an on-line friend. This is on my bucket list :)

  22. I really prize your work, Great post.
