Monday, November 19, 2018

Different Directions

My blog has not been something I post to regularly the past three or four years. I was on a roll again for awhile blogging a few times a month and then I decided to take this past summer off. Summers tend to be pretty busy for us and we did a lot of traveling this year as well.

I used to be an avid "blogger". I loved to read them and had quite a few I followed. I belonged to a fun community of women who supported each other and our blogs. And while writing posts can be a lot of work at times, I am so glad I have shared so many. I think the posts about our trips are my favorite. When I go back and read those posts, it's almost like reliving them a little bit all over again. They totally make blogging worth it for me!

I have had several discussions with friends about blogs lately. And the debate about whether or not people even read blogs anymore or whether they are worth it, is always happening in facebook groups and on the few message boards I participate in these days. With Instagram and Facebook being so quick and easy, many people have moved there to record their memories and share photos. And while I love to post on Instagram, I don't feel you can tell as much of the story there as you can on a blog!

I have had some friends and family tell me "oh I saw that on your blog", so I know someone is reading what I write here! But truthfully it's ok if only a few people see my posts, because I've never been one to seek a lot of attention through my blog writing.
Although if I recall correctly, I mainly started blogging for scrapbook design team purposes. It did bring in a larger audience at the time, but I left that world behind several years ago. My blog is for me these days, even if it just evolves into a place to write about our travels.
Because this is so me! I know I caught the travel bug last year in Europe. I used to laugh at that expression, but now I really think it's true. Some days it's all I can think about - where can we go next? It doesn't matter how big or small. Even adventures that just take us away for a day or two are fine with me.

If you are still reading my blog though, or even stumbled across this post accidentally, don't be shy and say Hi! And if you are still keeping up a blog, let me know and I will come by and return the favor. :) The blog community may not be as big or as popular as it once was, but there are still a few of us old timers here keeping it alive. And you never know, blogging may come back into fashion again, kind of like vinyl records. For those of us who listened to vinyl growing up, we've learned to never say never (lol).


  1. Still read blogs...they tell much more than a quick picture.

  2. Blogging was my first love, it still is to a certain extent. I love reading blogs, seeing how people use different products to create things, learning new techniques and so on. I too, have noticed a huge decline in numbers of visits to my own blog and even less comments. Like you say, it is so much easier to pop a picture on Facebook and Instagram (and I do that too) but I also try to keep my blog up to date in the hope that one day it will become 'fashionable' again. I don't worry about the fall in numbers at all because I keep my blog going for my own benefit, to see how I have progressed over the years and as a record of techniques I have used. I won't be giving up blogging any time soon and I hope you keep yours going too Mary Jo, it is always a pleasure to read! Anne xx

    1. I am always inspired reading your blog, Anne! Your projects are amazing

  3. You know I still do *wink* -- I have my IG and FB set to private, so if I do want to 'publicly' link something to a challenge or whatever, I have to do it on my blog, or the place I have linked to won't see it. I still enjoy reading them to, it is my time in the AM, all to myself, family asleep, where I can catch up with my friends! :)
