Last week though they announced that they will no longer be producing the magazine. :(
I totally get how time consuming it must be, and support there decision 100%.
But I will say that I am sad there won't be any more new issues after Issue 20 which comes out on November 1st.
On the brighter side, they are going to continue featuring tutorials on the blog. So I am thankful that they will still be around inspiring us from one of my favorite countries in the world!
You can see the announcement on their blog *Here.*
And the Facebook page is *here.*
So if you are on facebook, can you go give them a like? They really have some great projects featured frequently.
In other news, we had a pet burial recently.
I forgot to share that Mike and I finally gave in and allowed Evan and Erin to get a pet. Nothing to high maintenance - Hermit Crabs. Evan decided that he wanted a hermit crab. He had his heart set on it after seeing them at the mall. So of course Erin had to get one as well.
They named them Matthew and Flower.
Well unfortunately after only a few weeks, Erin's hermit crab Flower died. We buried her in the backyard and Evan made a little tombstone out of an old brick for her. Rainbow was his fish from back before Erin was born. And I made the mistake of flushing Rainbow and not burying him. (Won't do that again.)
Anyway, one of the reasons I have dragged my feet on getting a pet, is I know how much work they are. Especially for moms ;) But also, I tend to get attached and then when they die it is just so hard on me.
And darned if I wasn't getting attached to this little hermit crab. Who would have thought, right?
But I did. And now she is gone, and I am feeling just a little sad about it.
Erin, not so much. I think Evan was more upset at the loss of her hermit crab than she was.
Anyway, hopefully Matthew will last a lot longer.
Hope you have a great weekend.
I have a feeling we might be looking for a new hermit crab since ironically despite their name, they really don't like being alone. :)
And one last thing...